“Consciously healthy” gender medicine, insects as food, and snow bike as an Alternative to skiing

On 9. March at 17: 30 on ORF 2

Vienna (OTS) – Christine Reiler presented at the ORF-health magazine “healthy” on Saturday, the 9th. March 2019, at 17.30 in the ORF 2, the following posts:

Stroke 25

Stroke occurs more frequently with increasing age, but also young people and children can be affected. Women between the ages of 18 and 35 years are statistically affected seen more of it than men. The risk increases especially in women who take the pill and smoke, are strong. Often the symptoms in women are not so clearly and not be detected. Every Minute counts during the initial supply. This is what happened also to a young Viennese. Julia suffered from Stinging in the back of the head, dizziness, Nausea, and had no control of your right side of the body, but in the hospital they suspected a circulatory collapse. Shortly thereafter, she suffered a second, much more violent stroke. When she was able to leave after nine days in the hospital again, rolled up the young woman, her life, and since then, in a Blog on the danger.

Gender medicine

The difference between a man and a woman plays in medicine an ever greater role. Men and women differ, inter alia, by their chromosomes and hormones – and even in the case of cardiovascular diseases, pain and the effect of drugs is noticeable. In gender medicine, the gender flow but specific behaviors, different diets and dealing with disease. The Professor of gender medicine, Dr. Alexandra Kautzky-Willer is, to be a guest in “healthy”.

Insects as food

Factory farming without animal suffering, the protein without the unhealthy fat, ballast materials without the use of poison from the field – all of which offer insects, and therefore, the world food organization FAO suggests, inter alia, of the world population to consume more of the nutritious Crabs. Since 2018, the insects fall under the EU regulation for novel foods and, in the meantime, you can buy meal worms, crickets, and grasshoppers as a Snack, even in local supermarkets. However, the scepticism of consumers is still very high, a lot of disgust even before the protein bombs. “Healthy” nutrition expert Andrea asked Ficala to the boiling-down and tasting of insects.

Snow bike

More and more people are no longer able to drive due to a hip or knee joint prosthesis Ski. “Consciously healthy”presenter Christine Reiler no longer considered to be in the snowy, Werfenweng is an Alternative for all those, where the skiing is good for. Snow bike is an Austrian invention – created almost exactly 70 years from the passionate Bastlerei of the Salzburg ski enthusiasts. And although Christine Reiler sat for the first Time on a snow bike, swing in a few minutes almost as a professional.

“Consciously healthy”tip on the subject of open mouth

Open sores on the corners of the mouth, which is not and does not heal, it is also called Fissures. This can have very different cause. In some people they occur primarily in the cold Season, when the air and therefore the skin are very dry. Others suffer again and again including. Depending on the cause, Fissures be treated differently. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Siegfried Meryn answered questions of the Viewers.
